The Bible Verse calendar features the magnificent religious artwork of renowned artist William Luberoff. Home daily Bible readings are listed on each day of the month, while providing ample room for family notations.
Religious Protestant 2023 calendar with useful Notes space and full 2024 calendar on back spread.
Saddle Stitched Calendar Option:
Features two detachable response cards, one shown in the beginning of the year and one at the end of the year. Funeral Home return address will be printed on the face of response card. Personal contactinfo on inside of folded mailer for security. See pricing inthe Other Charges tab.
- 12 month calendar.
- FREE Set-up.
- One color imprint.
- US and Canadian Holidays shown.
- Digital PDF proof of imprint layout provided at no charge.
- Size 10-7/8" x 18-5/8" Open.
- Large Custom Ad Imprint Area 10-1/4" x 2-1/4".
- Optional Back Cover Imprint: 9-1/4" x 9".
- Calendar Cover: Gloss Varnish.
- Calendars Body: Satin Finish.
- Stitched binding.
- Made in USA.